snap out of it





品詞 : 名詞 ( Noun )


  1. 動く[動かす]人[物]
  2. 〈米〉引っ越し業者
  3. よく売れている商品
  4. 発起人



would have + 過去分詞

◆用法would have + 動詞の過去分詞


I would have been able to climb the mountain if the weather had been good



Two months ago I unexpectedly learned that I _____ back to sweden.

I had heard about the good reputation of Precicon Woeldwide Movers , so 

I decided to use their srrvice to ship my items from California to Stockholm.

A. moved , B. am moving C, had to move , D would have been moving

Answer : had to move


The Customer sevices representative I worked with was excellent ;

He replied to all emials promptly.

However , when it came to actually moving my items , the process did not go

as soomthly as I had hoped.

After rearranging the date several times , the movers arrives ver late on the scheduled day. ______ they were quire slow in packing everything up.

On the bright side , they saw to it that everthing arrived safely.


A. As expected

B. On the other hand

C. Making matters worse ( 事態を悪化させる事に )

D. As a matter of principle ( 原則として )


Answer : C


in response to

・In response to your message, we will send your items as soon as possible. : 伝言どおりに、できるだけ早くあなたの物を送ります。
・The program starts running in response to Start button. : 開始ボタンに応じてプログラムが開始されます。


In response ___ consumer demand, we are introducing new colors for the exterior and interior of the TM300 sports utility vehicle.


A. after




Answer : D



品詞 : 名詞 ( Noun )

ヒスイ、ひすい 淡い緑色をした軟玉(nephrite)または硬玉(jadeite)を指す。



We are also intoducing new interior colors for this model starting next month.

1_____ . Please check the internal web site for the combination of exterior and interior colors that 2____



A in fact , the price of the TM300 rose by five percent .

B. A sales content is scheduled for May 1.

C. Specifically , beige and gray are being made available.

D. the engine of the TM300 should be upgrted next year.


1 の Answer : C



A.have been offered

B.will be offered

C. were offered

D. offered


2 の Answer : will be offered



品詞 : 形容詞 ( Adjective )



・Even his behavior is little crazy though , what he told us is legit :)





The Company group is ____ to announce that it has added Jo as a consultant in the promotional services division.


A. pleased

B. please

C. pleasing

D. pleases


Answer : A


pleased to announce that

《be ~》【that以下】と喜んで発表する[発表することをうれしく思う]

prospective customer

《a ~》見込み客[顧客]、潜在顧客、将来の顧客


品詞 : 形容詞 ( Adjective )
  1. 将来の、予想される
    ・The offer price was 1.2 million yen per share, which put XYZ on a prospective price/earning ratio of 133. : 上場株価は1株120万円で、XYZ社の予想株価収益率は133だった。
  2. 有望な、見込みのある
    ・He is a prospective candidate for the new job. : 彼はその新しい仕事の有望な候補者です。


Mr,Shimizu continued . " Furthermore , she can help clients arrive at the solution that ____ fits their needs by conducting a comprehensive appraisal of the situation from a business standpoint."
A. full
B. best
Answer : B.


品詞 : 他動詞 Transitive Verb

  1. 〔計画・勝負・希望・職業・習慣などを〕諦める、断念する、中止する◆【類】give up
    ・The government abandoned planned tax cuts. : 政府は計画していた減税を断念しました。
  2. 〔家族・地位・妻子・友人などを〕捨てる、遺棄する、見捨てる、置き去りにする、置き去る
  3. 〔慣習・風習などを〕捨て去る
  4. 〔家・国など〕から去る、〔沈む船を〕離れる
  5. 〔国・土地などを〕引き渡す、明け渡す◆【類】surrender
  6. 《法律》〔財産・権利などを〕放棄する、委付する、遺棄する◆【類】desert【語源】古期フランス語abandoner(誰かの統制下に置く)

    名詞 Noun
  1. 自暴自棄
  2. 気まま、自由奔放、放縦、奔放